Yes, blue was yesterday, green is today.

When I launched Tegeler Audio Manufaktur in 2005, taking the step from hobby into the professional world, there was a myriad of things to learn.Suddenly, in addition to the actual dedication to electronics and the love of music, there was so much to consider:
- Marketing
- Business
- Personnel
- Press
The love for good sounding electronics proved us right, the manufactory grew and grew and suddenly became an international company that changed the music industry for good.
With our start into the world of analog devices with digital motor control, a milestone was set.
From the small manufactory became the company that ended the internal struggle between digital and analog.
Gone were the discussions about plug-ins being more suitable for day-to-day business because of their recall capability.
The sound and the love for analog sound could step back into the limelight. Thanks to digital recall capability, it was now possible again to introduce analog hardware into the daily business of audio engineers.
Your customer needs another change to his song? No problem, thanks to Recall, your analog compressor adjusts itself directly as before the last delivery.
No Recallsheets rauszusuchen, no adjust.
Simply music and luck produce and the whole also still time-efficiently.
What happened next?
After this milestone was set, Tegeler grew so exponentially that we naturally had to ask ourselves the question, where we want to develop in the future.Along this questioning path, the wonderful Iwa mentored us and through her strategic positioning opened our eyes to our true size and significance. Sure, we were an international company, but in our hearts we were still the small Berlin manufactory in Tegel. Thanks to Iwa, however, we realized the role we played in the world.
For this reason, we would like to shed our old garb and show you us in our new clothes.
Bold, modern and pioneering.
But what does that mean for you?
Will Tegeler now become a company that no longer cares about its customers and has an open ear for you at all times?Will Tegeler now a company that produces as cheaply as possible in the Far East and aims for mass instead of class?
No, no and again no.
In our hearts, we are and will always remain the small nerdy manufactory.
We will of course continue to produce 100% Made in Germany. And always have an open ear for you.
But what is changing now?
Imagine a nerd who realizes that he is no longer just the little outsider in the washed-out jeans. Who realizes that he's even cooler than all the other "cool kids."That's us.
The nerd who is ready to change the world with his love of music and sound.
Whether our devices also get a new look or remain so, is still open. Our heart hangs namely on our look and in the manufacturing process for our front panels hangs a lot of time and lifeblood.
Our beautiful new logo and the Corporate Design was designed by Moritz Schimpf.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our team again, who made Tegeler what it is today.
And, of course, to you.
Thank you for your loyalty, empathy and trust in us and our products.
Without you, we would not be Tegeler today!
What will you expect in the future with us?
Wait and see, but rest assured: We will not disappoint you!Newsletter
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